Past and Current research

Peer-reviewed journal publications:

  1. "The Joint Entrance Exam, overconfident directors and firm performance" Journal of Corporate Finance (with Sugato Chakravarty) available here

  2. "Firm size and the effectiveness of busy boards in an emerging economy" Global Finance Journal (with Sugato Chakravarty) available here

  3. "Economic Policy Uncertainty and Institutional Investment Returns: The Case of New Zealand " Pacific Basin Finance Journal (with Sara Ali, Ihsan Badshah and Riza Demirer), available here

  4. "CEO Marital Status and Insider Trading" British Journal of Management (with Nick Nguyen, Shushu Liao and Mary Ma), available here

Working papers:

  1. "The power of the written word: Document tonality as a priced factor explaining stock returns" (with Sugato Chakravarty), Purdue University Working paper.

  2. Do Indian Business Group Owned Mutual Funds Maximize Value for their Investors?” (with Jayant Kale and Venkatesh Panchapagesan), IIMB Working paper.